João Bordado

Coordinating Researcher



João Carlos Moura Bordado, PhD in Chemical Engineering by the University of Lisbon, completed his title of Aggregate in 2002. He is Full Professor at the University of Lisbon Instituto Superior Técnico since 2009. He published more than 130 articles in specialized journals. He has several book chapters, and 76 registered patents. He supervised several PhD and master's thesis, having also participated in several juries of these academic degrees. Received awards, and participates as a Researcher in several national and international research projects. He operates in the most diverse areas related to Chemistry, making the parallel between academy and industry. His specialization domain is linked to Chemical Engineering (sub area of reaction engineering, design and scale-up of chemical reactors), Reactive Polymers and Catalysis of polymerization reactions. His application fields focused on Adhesives (in particular binders for cork); Polyurethane reactive systems (foams and films); Films with controlled permeability; Chemical Engineering applied to environment technologies: natural resources and residues valorization.