The AlfaGreen project has an implementation period from 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2018 with a budget allocation of 1,000,272.73. SECIL and CERENA-IST are the two entities that integrate this project, which has as a physical and conceptual basis the construction of a biorefinery from the ENERGREEN pilot plant, previously built for the production of advanced liquid biofuel from biomass / wastes for subsequent use in the energy supply of cement kilns.
In the AlfaGreen project it is proposed to upgrade the initial process which will lead to a pilot scale biorefinery. This new process, which is being developed and applied with the technical and scientific support of the CERENA researchers, will lead to the optimization of advanced biofuel not only through the improvement of its calorific value but also through the extraction of added-value chemical products of origin bio-based.
These products represented a sustainable alternative to components of petroleum origin used in glues, foams, waterproofing and additives.
The ENERGREEN / AlfaGreen pilot plant is located at the Cibra-Pataias Plant.
The AlfaGreen project is co-financed by Portugal 2020, and is part of the COMPETE 2020 - Individual R & D Project Program.