Leonardo Azevedo

Associate Professor with Habilitation


  • Geophysics

Degree in Geological Engineering in (2007) and MSc. on Marine Geology and Geophysics(2009) both from U. Aveiro. Leonardo concluded his Ph.D. in 2013 with the development of novel geostatistical methodologies for geophysical data integration into subsurface Earth models (Técnico, U. Lisboa). Habilitation in Georesources (2021). Currently his main research interests are related to the development of spatial data science methods to model natural phenomena, geostatistical geophysical inversion and uncertainty assessment in natural systems.


IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2022

Roberto Miele

Bernardo Barreto

Paula Yamada

Luiz Varella

Anderson Pimentel

Joao Costa

Geophysical Prospecting | 2021

Mariana Martinho

Timothy Tylor‐Jones