Call for activities for European Researchers' Night 2024

Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência |

Are we ready for another European Researchers' Night? This exciting community outreach event is back at the National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon, next September 27th

This year's mote is SCIGLO - Science for Global Challenges. Whether we are studying geothermal systems, radioactive materials, chemical adsorbents, optimization processes, climate patterns or toxic elements contamination, we (scientists) know that every little bit of CERENA's science is contributing to tackle local and global challenges. It is time to remind this to the general public! The NIE is a perfect opportunity to involve families, young students, bakers, lawyers, taxi drivers, nurses, curious grandparents, aunts and great-grandchildren in scientific activities that can respond to major challenges related to environmental, economic and social sustainability

The activities will take place within the Museum, in the Botanical Garden and in Principe Real Garden. Submissions are open until 31st of July.

In presence activity:
Online activity: