Silvia Santos
Assistant Professor
Instituto Superior Politécnico de Tecnologias e Ciências (ISPTEC), Talatona, Angola
Academic Background: Chemical Engineering, IST/UTL, 2005; PhD Chemical Engineering, IST/UTL, 2011. Present affiliations: Head of Research Department and Post-Graduate Studies and Full Time Teacher, Instituto Superior Politécnico de Tecnologias e Ciências (ISPTEC), Talatona, Angola. Teaching activities: Thermodynamics, Transport Phenomena, Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Chemistry. Research: Head of the research group on Environment and Sustainability; Responsible for the implementation and execution of research projects within the Department of Research Politics and Post Graduation. Main research interests: Hydrometallurgy and Separation Processes on their application to the treatment of ores/residues and liquid effluents.