Matilde Costa e Silva
Assistant Professor
1995- PhD in Mining Engineering in IST,Technical University of Lisbon. 1989- Master in Soil Mechanics in FCT- UNL Lisbon University. 1985- Degree in Mining Engineering, in IST,Technical University of Lisbon. Professional Activities: 1985-at Present- Professor at IST, University of Lisbon. Professor for the courses of Rock Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Geomechanics Applied to Mining, Safety, Health and Environment, Mine Wastes Management and Deposition Technologies, Advanced Geoengineering in Degree, Master of Mining and Geo-Resources Engineering and Geoerresourses Doctoral Programme (Civil, Arquitecture and Georesources Department, IST – University of Lisbon). Research Activities: Investigator in CERENA – Centre for Natural Resources and the Environment of IST – University of Lisbon, in Scientific area of Raw Materials. Participation in several projects and publications in Mining Engineering, Geotechnics and Rock Mechanics areas. Responsible for the Geomechanics Laboratory.