
CERENA and Rock Flow Dynamics renewed their collaboration through a new Academic Agreement for 2019

CERENA and Rock Fluid Dynamics (RFD) renewed their collaboration through a new Academic Agreement for the next year. This agreement comprises the donation of academic licenses of the RFD’s flagship product for dynamic reservoir simulation tNavigator for a total value of 9 600 000 USD.

Since 2014, tNavigator has been extensively used as part of both Reservoir Engineering course and for the development of Master Theses of the Master in Petroleum Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisboa, Portugal). Due to its flexibility and reliability, tNavigator is nowadays routinely used by CERENA’s researchers and Ph.D. students in a daily basis for the development and implementation of novel history matching techniques, resulting in one awarded abstract by PhD student Eduardo Barrela and  three Master Theses where tNavigator was used as a central tool:

Eduardo Barrela, Leonardo Azevedo, Amílcar Soares, Luís Guerreiro- Integrating consistent streamline regionalization and multi-local distribution functions into geostatistical history matching: A real case application.

João Lino Pereira -Balancing Static and Dynamic Match and Uncertainty Qualification in Stochastic History Matching, Master Thesis.

Erik Eidy Shimabukuro- Substituição de simuladores de fluidos em metodologias de ajuste de histórico automático com o uso de regressão simbólica,  Master Thesis (in Portuguese).

Moustafa Ahmed Rakha Mohamed- Enhancing the exploration of the model parameter space of reservoir geostatistical history matching,  Master Thesis, Universidade de Torino, supervised by Leonardo Azevedo (CERENA/IST).