We are proud to announce that Amir Nejad's team won the final pitch of "Boost your entrepreneurial spirit!" organized within the framework of the EUGLOH Alliance. The B-Safe project was about analyzing infrastructure risk and developing a multi-risk hazard assessment/methodology for historical construction.
Twenty-six candidates were selected from out of more than 100 applications to attend the EUGLOH workshop from December 12-15, 2022, at UPSaclay’s design center Design Spot and their graduate engineering school CentraleSupélec as well as at the research center Genopole.
The B-Safe project “Building Assessment Software and Engineering Services” by Amir Tavallaie Nejad, Leticia Carvalho Moreira Dafico, Suherman Suherman, and Achmad Hidayatullah was the chosen project by the jury for its innovative and valuable competencies in integrated data, data analysis, and inspection reports on safety issues. The developed prototype built by these students stood out for evidencing the use of the skills learned during the first three days of the training program.
The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) brings together nine universities from across Europe with outstanding expertise in Global Health within whic FEUP is included.
Congratulations to Amir!