CERENA's Seminar Series 'Facing the future: navigating the challenges ahead'

Room C13 (IST) / Room F405 (FEUP) |

The next CERENA Seminar will happen on 20th of June 2024 at 12h30 in Room C13 (IST) and Room F405 (FEUP). 

For the next Seminar we will have Maria de Lurdes Dinis, https://cerena.pt/user/633, delivering a presentation on: A problem or a solution?”.

Maria de Lurdes Dinis’s presentation will show us “Meeting the NORM challenges from different sectors – how to achieve radiological sustainability?”.

Registration is not mandatory, but to have access to the lunch box, please register in the link below, until 6th of June 2024 (next Thursday):



You can find the complete programme of the Seminar Series.

​pdf icon booklet_seminars_23_24_03-06-2024_compressed.pdf