2024 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine

Instituto Superior Técnico - Alameda Campus Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa |

The 2024 Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine will be held in Lisbon this December. The Politécnico de Portalegre, in collaboration with CERENA and IST is organizing this year's conference, whose motto titles «Bridging The Research and Sectoral Shores To Tackle Digital Transition Opportunities». The event will bring together research communities on biomedical, health informatics, and life sciences.   

There will be a Workshop on Information Systems for Health Emergencies and Patients Oriented Research, and the due date for full papers submission is October 10th

All workshop accepted papers and posters will appear in the IEEE Conference Proceedings. Selected articles will be invited to submit an extended version to be published after the review process in special journal issues, within the proposed thematic areas: (work in progress…)

Advanced Methodologies and Technologies for Innovative Information Systems 

From Intelligent Manufacturing and Stockpiling to Enhanced Healthcare Supply Chains 

Medical and Pharmaceutical Digital Tooling for Improved Patient's Quality of Life


Make sure to visit the conference website for all the info.
